Kidz Come First Club Playscheme Welcome Pack
1. Welcome letter
2. Mission statement
3. Information about the club
4. Statutory documentation for information
Statement of procedure for child protection
Fees and payment arrangement note
5. Statutory forms for completion and return
Child enrolment form
Intended use agreement form
Parent/Carer permission form fo administering emergency
Out of school club contract
Kidz Come First Out of School Club
Dear Parent/Carer
Welcome to our club. We hope that this letter forms the start of a happy and constructive partnership between you and ourselves.
We want all families who use the club to feel happy, informed and reassured about arrangements that we put in place to look after your child.
This pack has been put together to include all the necessary information that will inform you about who we are and how we operate.
This pack also contains several forms that need complete by a parent/guardian. We kindly ask that these are completed and returned before your child starts at the club. If you have any further queries in regards to these forms then please do not hesitate to contact the club manager or a member of the staff team.
Yours sincerely
Natalie Johnson
Club Manager
Kidz Come First Out Mission Statement
This document is a statement of the aims and objectives of Kidz Come First
Our fundamental aim is to ensure that ‘Kidz Come First’ in our welcoming,
stimulating, caring and inclusive environment.
Our staff are dedicated to building children’s confidence, self esteem and
learning, through play and structured activities.
Our aim is to teach children practical life skills that carry them through to
Our ethos is to promote emotional, health, wellbeing, mutual respect, safety
and independence.
Partnership with Parents
In fulfilling our aims, we will seek to work in partnership with parents/carers to build an understanding of the commitment to the welfare of their child.
Kidz Come First Out of School Club
We want you to feel like you are getting good value for money and receiving the best possible service. Children will always be cared for and all staff will adhere to Ofsted standards. We are committed to ensuring that children’s safety, care and wellbeing is paramount.
We hold the appropriate insurance policies to cover all aspects of provision.
We aim to provide a fun, positive atmosphere for your children to play and learn in out of school hours.
Out of School Club provides healthy, nutritious and balanced food and drinks. Food and drink are safely prepared with regard to the dietary and religious requirements of the children in our care.
We ask parents to notify us regarding any special dietary requirements or allergies when they register their child. Information regarding food allergies is recorded on the Allergy Information Board which is visible to staff whilst food is being prepared.
Out of School Club promotes healthy eating and leads by example. Staff responsible for food preparation, handling and storage have received appropriate training. We provide suitable healthy snacks for all the children, children are encouraged to develop good eating skills and table manners. Where appropriate, children are involved in planning and preparing food and snacks. Fresh drinking water and fresh fruit is always available.
Children go on trips on a weekly basis. Parents/Carers will be charged a small extra cost. Children will travel by foot, or in our fully insured mini bus or staff vehicle.
In order to provide a safe environment for your children to play, we ensure that all staff members have undergone safeguarding training and children are always monitored. To maintain the safety of each child, it is important that parents/carers understand the procedure of signing your child in.
Health and Safety
To ensure the club is safe, all the equipment is cleaned, checked and monitored on a regular basis by club staff to ensure it is fit for use.
If your child requires prescribed medication that needs to be administered by the club staff, you will need to sign and complete an authorisation form giving us your consent to do so. A new form will need to be completed per prescription for your child if their medication changes. No club staff will administer any medication without your consent.
At Kidz Come First we praise and encourage children who are respectful and follow our ethos. At Kids Come First all our staff monitor the children’s behaviour and deal with each incident fairly and appropriately.
We expect all children attending the club to respect each other’s beliefs, values and opinions. If a child chooses to show inappropriate behaviour such as being rude, disruptive or violent to others then that child will be spoken to by a member of staff and a first behaviour warning letter will be issues. If this type of behaviour continues then a meeting will be arranged between the club manager and the Childs parent/carer.
Kidz Come First reserves the right to exclude a child with immediate effect if issues of safety arise from a child’s behaviour our management of Behaviour procedure is available on our website.
We are committed to safeguarding children and to promote children’s welfare.
Kidz Come First Parent's and Carer's Code of Conduct
Kidz Come First is a caring and supportive school which aims to create a safe, happy and secure learning environment: Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!
We are very fortunate to have very supportive, helpful and friendly parents who recognise that educating and caring for children is a process that involves partnership between home and club. Our parents understand the importance of a good working relationship to ensure our children achieve their best. For this reason we welcome and encourage parents/carers to participate fully in the care of their child at Kidz Come First.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a reminder to all parents and visitors to our out of school club about expected conduct so that we can work together to ensure a safe and positive after school club environment for our children.
Below is a summary of the key points:
Parents, Carers and Visitors will:
Respect the caring ethos and values of our after school club.
Work together with staff for the benefit of the children.
Set a good example in their own speech and behaviour towards all members of the setting.
Approach our setting in a calm and respectful manner to resolve any issues of concern or to discuss and clarify specific events in order to bring about a positive solution;
Support and reinforce Kidz Come First policy on Behaviour.
Park with consideration and respect for others when delivering and collecting children from out of school club.
Use Social Media responsibly.
Out of school club will not tolerate Parents, Carers and Visitors:
Acting aggressively, using inappropriate language, displaying temper or acting in a threatening manner towards, staff, children or parents on the out of school premises.
Threatening harm or physical aggression towards child, member of staff or parent.
Damaging or destroying Kidz Come First property.
Smoking and consuming alcohol or other drugs on our site or accessing the site whilst intoxicated.
Dogs being brought onto our premises (other than guide dogs or other support dogs).
Social media, phones and emails being used to fuel complaints or concerns against our out of school club, children, staff or parents or being used for libellous or defamatory posts or cyber bullying.
Kidz Come First will take appropriate action in these circumstances.
Thank you for abiding by this policy in our out of school club. Together we can create a positive and uplifting environment for not only the children but also all who work and visit our setting.
If you ask any friends or relatives to bring or collect your child from out of school club please ensure they are also aware of this policy.
Club Usage and Payment Arrangements
Kidz Come First is provided for parents/carers as a service, we must work to required staff/pupil ratios and therefore must be able to plan staff rotas.
Kidz Come First Playscheme fees
Full day session 8.00am – 5.30pm | £25.00
Half Day Session 8:30am -12.30pm or 1pm – 5.00pm | £13.00
All fees must be paid for in advance for the following by the Friday of the week before a session. Your child will not be able to attend Playscheme, if fees are not paid by the start of the following week. Fees will be reviewed for the beginning of each academic year and parents will be given notice and informed of any changes to the fees in writing.
No refund will be given if a child fails to attend a session. Booked sessions cancelled due to illness will be charged at the full rate and two weeks notice in writing is required for absence/cancellation.
Whilst it may be possible to rearrange some sessions within your agreed intended usage pattern (i.e where you use the club on a Wednesday and Friday, it may be possible to swap to Monday and Thursday), again this can only be done if there are the free sessions to do so and agreed with the manager in advance.
It will not be possible to turn up without pre booking. Casual use does not allow us to plan staffing ratios and we can not operate above a certain staff ratio.
Method of payment BACS payment Account Name: Kidz Come First
Sort Code 20-84-13 Account Number 23968316
Reference – (Child’s first and last name )
Childcare Vouchers – Eden Red & Fideliti
Card payment
Ofsted Registration Number: EY499615
Kidz Come First Parent's and Carer's Code of Conduct
It is important that you are made aware of the procedures for child protection.
The club has a policy that clearly sets out the procedures for reporting and dealing with allegations of abuse and neglect. Contact details for the local authority child protection and other relevant outside agencies are recorded in the policy.
The manager Natalie Johnson and deputy manager are designated to deal with and record any allegations or concerns and will be the named contact for the local authority and Ofsted.
It is important that any suspicions, indications, allegations of abuse or neglect are recorded immediately. An incident form can be used for this purpose.
It is important that staff and parents/carers keep registers and records of authorised collectors up to date, as this can be a useful indication of whether a child was in the care of the club or not on any day in question.
For staff to ensure your child receives the best and most appropriate care, attention and treatment should there be an emergency in the provision, you need to complete, sign and date the declaration below.
To be completed by Parent/Carer
Please complete, date and sign the following declaration.
I agree to the member of staff in charge to take the necessary steps to ensure that my child receives the best and most appropriate care, attention and treatment should there be an emergency or accident in the provision or while my child is on an authorised outing.
I understand that the member of staff in charge will make every effort to inform me of any emergency or accident as soon as possible but they may have to accompany my child to hospital in my absence. I give my permission for the member of staff in charge to authorise hospital staff to administer essential treatment until my arrival.
In the event that no one can be contacted in an emergency the After School Manager will allow other trained professionals to make decisions in the best interest of your child (e.g. medical staff)
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